Injeolmi: A Korean Rice Cake

At first I thought it is espasol a cylinder-shaped Filipino rice cake originating from the province of Laguna. It is made from rice flour cooked in coconut milk and sweetened coconut strips, dusted with toasted rice flour but its not it is Injeolmi  is a variety of tteok, or Korean rice cake, made by steaming and pounding glutinous rice flour, which is shaped into small pieces and usually covered with steamed powdered dried beans or other ingredients.


Injeolmi is not only a popular snack but also is considered a high quality tteok, used for janchi, party, feast, or banquet) in Korea. It is easily digested and nutritious.Injeolmi can be stored in a refrigerator and taken out when needed. If the tteok is heated slightly in the microwave, it may taste almost as good as the newly made one.

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Korean Street Food: Tteokbokki

There are times I am curious to food here in Korea, so the other day after shopping, when I passed along the student canteens across the elementary school, I return a little bit and decided to step in one canteen/food store and ordered a cup of Tteokbokki. Oh well I did great because I was able to pay the right amount, haha!

Tteokbokki, also known as Ddeokbokki is a popular Korean snack food which is commonly purchased from street vendors or Pojangmacha. Originally it was called tteok jjim and was a braised dish of sliced rice cake, meat, eggs, and seasoning. Tteok jjim an early variant of modern tteokbokki, was once a part of Korean royal court cuisine. This type of tteokbokki was made by boiling tteok, meat, vegetables, eggs, and seasonings in water, and then serving it topped with ginkgo nuts and walnuts. In its original form, tteokbokki, which was then known as gungjung tteokbokki, was a dish served in the royal court and regarded as a representative example of haute cuisine. The original tteokbokki was a stir-fried dish consisting of garaetteo ( cylinder-shaped tteok) combined with a variety of ingredients, such as beef, mung bean sprouts, green onions, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, and onions, and seasoned with soy sauce.

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Shopping for Cake Breads and Potato Chips

My Goal is to Loss Weight so after gym yesterday I weigh myself again and to my depression instead of losing weight I am gaining, Pookie bear says it is because of my diet.  He laughed at me after knowing my weight because I laughed at him when to told me he loss 2 pounds.

Korean Cake Breads

I have told him I am gonna loss 5 kilos in one month (lol), anyway as it is are cheat day yesterday we went to Nong Hyup instead to Kim’s Club Mart where we usually goes during Friday. My goal of losing weight already forgotten, I grab few cakes (bread) and potato chips. So wish me luck girls, I already slowly dropped eating chocolates and as of now I am craving for ice cream but being penniless stopped my craving and Pookie bear seems helping me 🙁

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