Our Apartment Stinks Like Kimchi

Today is just another busy day, I wake up at noon time. After earning points on my adgitize account I have to start cooking, yeah right stressing.

Anyway our apartment stench again that I need to close the bathroom door, it seems the people in the second/third floor is making kimchi because it stinks like one. We are on the ground floor so I guess when they washed their dish and the water went to the drain the gas went up. Yesterday it also stinks like garlic and kimchi, then later afternoon I found out that there are people having barbecue party in the garage so probably they prepared kimchi for their barbecue party and washes the dishes today.

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Inexpensive Blinds for the Apartment Window

Few months ago my husband and I went to the super market to shop goods for our weekly supplies but before we did, we first went to a store for home supplies and decorations, we are trying to look for blinds for our window but the store is quite big that we almost lost our hope to find one. As we cannot find it we try to look for floor lamps but we all we found are table lamps, so we just walk around passing every shelves and we finally find the window accessories including blinds, hangers and metal pipe  or curtain holders. They have abundant supply of blinds and we try too look for something we are gonna like but the realization came, we don’t  know the size of our window. If we are going to buy,  either we are  going to waste money or be happy if the blinds fit the size of our window, it is hard to gamble and wish for luck so we decided not to buy last night. We walk out the door and went to the supermarket to shop our food supplies.

Window Blinds, Office, Office Window, Horizontal

[Photo courtesy of tookapic/pixabay.com]

I am trying to find the tape measure on my bag as what I have remembered I brought one here when I left my home country but I can’t find it, wish to find it soon so we can buy blinds for our window. It is quite disturbing  when the light in the garage is on.

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Made to Measure Pleated Blinds for the Apartment Window

I have nothing to complain here in our new apartment aside from our window doesn’t have any curtains at all. So it’s bright here in the morning and in the evening because the garage is just beside us. The window too is facing our bed so I don’t know if people can see us here from outside, the glass window has an art style and thick too. So I guess they can’t see us inside on what we are doing except if they really intended to peep.

My husband and I is planning to buy a curtain but the problem is we don’t know how to wear it in our window without making a big fuss on it plus to tie it every morning, so as we looking for a perfect curtain online we have found that there is  made to measure pleated blinds that make us change our minds. Blinds are easy to manage than heavy curtains you can just pull the string if you want to fold it and for sure you cannot make blinds as wiping cloth for hands like what is it usually done in  curtains when someone is lazy to look for a dry cloth.  The good thing pleated blinds has also a selection of colors and  I can’t wait to have one maybe creamy white will be just right.

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The Apartment Stench and Febreze Air Freshener

Had a busy day today, I wake up around two o’clock in the afternoon, read bit of news online, clean around our small apartment and cook my food.  Pookie bear and I also fixed our bathroom sink as the water is moving slowly so we are like plumbers unplugging a plugged sink, so the end result I need to clean the bathroom, that’s why the whole apartment is smelling bleach right now.

Nothing else happened this weekend aside from I can’t wait anymore for a perfect time to wash the thick blanket, so I washed it today so for sure I have no blanket to use tonight, well I thought my task for the day is finished well it looks like not yet.  I just finished cleaning the kitchen specifically below the kitchen sink, its kinda moldy and it is hard to clean as there’s only small space, haist!  Into my observation this apartment was built in a wrong way, much better if the kitchen is in the place where the balcony is so when you are cooking the smell is directly going out and not wandering inside the apartment before it popped out.


Just thankful that we have this sample from Febreze (Hawaiian Aloha™) where you don’t need to plug it or use batteries and it will eliminate odor and freshen up. All you need to do is insert the cartridge and it will activate upon insertion then pull up the bottom for full freshness experience or just remain it close for small spaces.

So right now our apartment especially our kitchen smells like scented perfume, with the bright, tropical scent of Hawaii’s beautiful and fragrant hibiscus blooms, such an exotic smell eh. Love it!

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Depressed with Plumbing Problems

I am not feeling well today, the plumber came as well as the landlord and his wife. Well the plumber did not do anything he just use the shower hose to put some water to unplugged the toilet. So it works for few minuter not until they left, so I just pay $26.55 without really fixing it. Well my husband scold me or what ever you may call it, telling me why I did not tell them that the toothbrush need to be removed and not just hose it. It looks like the toothbrush was moved that’s why the water works properly when he is fixing it.

Fear, Woman, Stop, Violence Against Women, Abuse, Beat

[Photo courtesy of Alexas_Fotos/pixabay.com]

Just  a while we had a conversation with the landlord again on what the plumber needs to do but I doubt it if he understand it because we also talk to him last night when we luckily saw him outside cleaning in the front garage. We just asked him to come with us and see for his self, Pookie bear co-teacher called him too. Anyway the landlord says he is going to call the guy tomorrow, so I am in big shit right now, because to remove the toothbrush the toilet bowl need to be removed and as well as the tiles in the bathroom. That means MONEY, Pookie bear won’t shoulder the expenses because he said its my fault so I need to learn my lesson. In short I am not going to have my allowance for a long time it depends on how much money we are going to spend to pay the plumber and some tools needed.

So right now I am very depressed! Huhuhu!

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