Alumni Conference in Icheon Elementary School

I wake up today with loud music and an emcee speaking in the nearby elementary school. My husband told me that there’s something going on because he saw some tent from our window. After making my coffee I decided to check it out, I didn’t even finish drinking it I just had one sip, I changed my clothes and I went out.

When I arrived in the school entrance I saw a lot of cars and this banner but as I can’t read Hangul I can’t still figure out what was the occasion.

Icheon Elementary School

There’s really a lot of tent encircling the wide playground and they are full of people and food. Others are drinking soju (the popular liquor here), eating and talking to each other. There are few people in the play ground which looks like they are doing fun games, I saw some people with balloons. I didn’t take long because I am too shy to be noted and snapping around, I was not able to take good picture because there are cars and trucks blocking me from where I stand.

Icheon Elementary School

I walk around the school I mean the street around the school so people will not think I just went there to take pictures. Anyway when I arrived home I translated what is written in the banner and it says “The 5th Icheon Elementary School Alumni Conference” thanks to Korean Virtual keyboard and Google translate for making it possible.

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Icheon Elementary School in 100th Year Anniversary

As usual we sleep very late again but I wake up early today because I am waiting for my sister to get online  as she is going to print her narrative report. Anyway as I have nothing to do I started dropping EC and adgitizing, it’s been a while since I visited back the bloggers who dropped by to my blog as I am kind of busy. I fell asleep after I finished adgitizing, I really cannot stay awake anymore, but I can’t sleep well because it is kind of noisy.

The nearby school, where Pookie bear is teaching is celebrating their 100th year Anniversary this week and it sounds like they’re going to have a big celebration because the program/celebration started this Sunday, music, cheers, singing and etc., can be hear. The school too is properly decorated,  I wish to see what they are doing but I am too darn shameful to go there, so I’ll just be contented listening to the voice I can’t understand. Haha, I didn’t do anything much today as I am tired lazy to cook, I just ate instant noodles which is the other half is still waiting in the kitchen as it tasted so spicy for me. As of now, I still feel sleepy I might take a nap again later. Teheee!

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