Home and Living November 19th, 2012 | No Comments »
We only visit the gym three times a week and every second and fourth day of the week we are walking around the town. It became our habit before our vacation in the Philippines. Below is the photo I have taken the other day while we are doing our routine in the late afternoon, the trees are all in yellow colors.

The weather is already cold as expected so I am already wearing my winter jacket when we are walking, and of course I am not going to forgot to bring my camera.
[ Tagged In ] Autumn in Korea, Icheon, Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Icheon-si, Korean Fall, Korean Street, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Streets in Korea
Home and Living January 25th, 2012 | No Comments »
After a long weekend we are back to the gym, its quite cold today maybe because it snowed last night. While walking in the street we are almost hit by a car trying to pull back, it seems the driver didn’t see us. So my husband knock to his door and tell him what he almost hit us particularly me who just happened to step forward. My husband told him to look at his side mirror before pulling back and as usual they didn’t understand each other, one is talking in English and the other one is in Hangul. It turns out the car is new and the driver is just learning on how to drive. We just walk away after my husband irk his anger.

All drivers should always check their mirror when driving, you may never know you already hit someone especially on this bad weather and dark evening.
[ Tagged In ] Almost Meet an Accident, Drive Safely, Driving at Winter, Korea at Night, Korea Drivers, Korean Street, Snow, Snowy Korea, Street of Korea, Winter Driving
Food and Restaurants, Home and Living November 20th, 2011 | 3 Comments »
I wake up late today, it is already noon time. Felt so tired last night, my husband asked me to buy some profiteroles but sad to say nothing is left so I bought muffins instead. When I reached home he is not satisfied with the bake goods and he asked me to look for pizza in the middle of the night, I walked to the pizza place I know and they are all closed. I thought his craving will end up there, but I am wrong he asked me to look for loaf of bread as he wants to have grilled cheese sandwich so I went out again and when I came home I prepared the grilled cheese sandwich.

It has been a long walk last night, I also try to go to Watsons to buy chocolates but it is already closed when I reached there.
[ Tagged In ] Expat Living, Icheon, Icheon Bakery, Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Icheon-si, Korean Bakery, Korean Local Bakeshop, Korean Street, Korean Street at Night, Living in Icheon, Living in Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea