Eating Late Lunch at Ashley Bakeshop and Restaurant

My postal ID was already expired for two months and I just renewed it today, my mother and BIL went to town so I went with them and since we are starving for running a few errands in town we’ve decided to eat at Ashley Bakeshop and Restaurant near the new market.

We are frequent at the bakeshop buying breads, pastries, pizzas and even ordering takeouts sometimes, we have already dined in before but I was too procrastinated to blog about it.  Before, I texted my sister that we are at Ashley I have already ordered something for her, it is her birthday today. She is at work but she is able to go out for a few minutes as long as she asked for permission.

Ordering take only 15 minutes and as usual I have ordered AM7 for us, this meal consists of rice and fried chicken, pancit canton and ice tea for drinks,  but my mother wanted something new so she ordered halo-halo and pizza for herself.

If you are hungry  and wanted to eat a full meal for inexpensive price Ashley Bakeshop and Restaurant is one of your best alternative in town, their menu is inexpensive and comes in big servings.

Cocoville, Dapawan, Odiongan, Romblon
Facebook page –
Mobile No. – 0948 748 0724

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal opinion and experience and might be different from yours.

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The Blocked: The New Burger Restaurant in Odiongan

It’s Father’s Day. Sunday afternoon and there was nothing else to do after going to church in the morning, we did a short road trip to the municipality of Ferrol, but actually we didn’t continue to the town proper, we did a U-turn and went back to Odiongan where we ate at the newly opened burger place, The Blocked.

The enthusiastic server gladly welcomed us at the restaurant, she handed us their menu after we are seated. As I look around,  the burger place has a western touch, just like the restaurant bars in Itaewon, there are different set of options in the menu for over ₱100, it was hard for us to choose which set to eat, the potato wedges weren’t available, so I have asked the server, which one is the best, she gladly explained every option and suggests the options that she’ll think we’d like and even suggested if we would like a serving of garlic chicken.

We ordered one fresh strawberry milkshake for my mother, two options of Prep, one Nerd and a serving of garlic chicken, each meal option has a free glass of blue lemonade.  While waiting for our order, I have asked my sister to go home and bring our father to the burger restaurant, but she said, he already had a glass of liquor and he can’t drive (but when we arrived home, he is totally fine, and even sulk why we didn’t bring him to the burger restaurant, lol).

Our order was served in twenty minutes, my mother and sister enjoyed their meal because they said it tasted good, but I wasn’t because I am still full from our snack and I didn’t like the burger, it has the taste of mustard sauce in it, the smell brought me back to South Korea and the mustard sauce I can’t even finish at home.

Well, I have not told anyone yet in this blog, but I am already tired of mustard sauce, eating beef burger with mustard sauce, the taste of it is making me puke already, when we are traveling if we are not eating a beef burger, we are eating sandwiches. I just ate my fries and chicken and wrap the burger to bring it home to my father as well as the garlic chicken I have ordered, my mother and sister was already full with their meal so they can’t help me eat the garlic chicken. The chicken was  a bit oily, so I have used the paper towel at the table which I think has extra pay because there was an additional fee in our bill (or is it for a takeout additional fee?), well some restaurant in other countries I have been  to, add additional charges if you used wet tissues.

You know what’s funny when I stand up from my chair and did a second look at my payment that’s where I realized I forgot to put another bill,  I put 10% extra, but then the money I left wasn’t enough (haha), so I immediately grab for my wallet. Jezz, I am trying to do something good, but it looks like I will end up being embarrassed if I didn’t glance back at the table, the server called my attention that I still have a change but I just nod and left.  My mother and sister laugh at me, retelling how once upon a time I left more than 20% tip when I said it was just 10% (I am floating at times).

The Blocked, is a newly opened burger restaurant in Odiongan. Their place was an old warehouse for copra (dried coconut kernels), and after a few renovations and enhancements, The Blocked arises. If you are looking for something new and tired of eating the usual burger you buy from the streets and students canteens, pay them a visit and try them. Their food is fine, the chicken wings were just  a bit too tiny for me (hahaha). Well, you get what you pay for!

The Blocked 
Barangay Poctoy, Odiongan, Romblon
OPENING HOURS: MONDAY-SUNDAY (Except WEDNESDAY) 3:30pm – 10:00pm (kitchen closes at 9:30pm)
CONTACT: 0918 668 8072

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal experience and might be different from yours.


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Round Tablas on Independence Day

Today, is Independence day so it was a holiday. We decided to visit nearby town, but wanting to see more and breathe some more air we did a Round Tablas again. We started from Odiongan to Looc, Ferrol and to Alcantara then to Sta. Maria where we had our stop over to take some pictures, then to San Agustin, Calatrava to San Andres and back to Odiongan where came from.

There was of lot of progress in the municipality of Sta. Maria, the construction of the highway was already completed, the road became spacious and larger.

We really didn’t take long because we still need to return to Odiongan, we didn’t start our road trip early, so we don’t have an ample time to do dilly dallying so we continued our journey to the municipality of San Agustin, we stopped over at their town to buy some snacks, my mother loves their siopao so much eh.

Along the way, I was surprised to see that there was already kiosk along the highway, it was a good spot to see and admire the beauty of Mt. Payaopao. My sister then told me that they already saw it when they went with us in the jump-off when we did the anniversary climb, and since it was my first time seeing it,I requested her to stop so I can take pictures.

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Attending Distant Cousin’s Wedding At Lyn’s Fern Garden

If there is one thing I hate, that is a wedding. Why, they are happy when I am not. Anyway, enough of self-pitying, we are invited to the wedding of a distant cousin, her husband to be was one of the basketball players of the team my mother manages, so as expected we attended.

It was a garden wedding, to the place which is very familiar to everyone since it was the famous wedding venue before other contemporary came out the market, the receptions of my classmates who wed last year was also took place at Lyn’s Fern Garden.

Well, unlike church wedding, the garden wedding wasn’t that long because there wasn’t a lot of ceremonies. So after the customary photo taking, is chow time. The couple were very happy, as well the visitors who ate  a lot (just kidding!).

Lyn’s Fern Garden was a good place to rent for birthday, anniversary and wedding parties especially if you are expecting a lot of visitors. It has a huge hall, big parking space and beautiful garden. If you are wedding on summer time, kindly asked or pay for fans, because it was freaking hard to eat when your sweat is running down from your face. I could not say anything about their food because it was long proven that their catered food is one of the best in town.

Brgy. Budiong, Odiongan, Romblon
Facebook page –
Mobile No. –  0920 438 6957

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal opinion and experience and might be different from yours.

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Conservative Way of Thinking in the Millennial Generation

My mother, sister and I always clash or we always end up in argument because we have different views and opinion. They have millennial  mindset while I am little conservative, I am an old fashioned.  They both advice me to do liberated thinking and not to act like an old woman when I am not. They both said, it is now millennial and I should not be stuck up from the old days where everything is old like my mind.

We live near the church so I grow up attending Sunday schools, I lived with my grandmother for a short period of time, and during those time we both religiously go to church and I’ve been surrounded by elder people like her, and in my entire time in grade school I religiously attend Catechism, which made me dream to be a nun back then, those time there were Catholic elders who teach bible stories and verses to children in public schools, I just don’t know if it is still happening today.

As I recall, I remember telling my mother I wanted to be a nun when I am in grade school. She was surprised, but then she told me I could still serve the Lord even if I am not a nun, in my little mind I know my mother was thinking what will be our life, if me the eldest child goes to convent.

Anyway today, my mother told me to wake up, be smart and not to be stuck up in the past. The world is changing so I should change too and have a millennial  mindset like everyone else, because if not I will always be hurt.


Road Trip and Eating Dinner at Bantigue Resort

My mother feeling stressed asked my sister if she can drive us to town, we left and when we are halfway there our mother realized she forgot to wear a jacket so we’ve returned home to get one, and that’s where we decided to do a night trip to the nearby town of Looc, making it possible my mother asked one of our cousins again to go with us, my father can’t go because he is already tipsy.

My sister and his boyfriend weren’t in good terms but she still asked him if he want to go with us when we saw him sitting in his friend’s house, he did.  It took us about one hour to reach the town of Looc, everything was closed so we decided to visit Bantigue Resort,  which rise in popularity in 2015 because of the well lighted Eiffel tower (replica), the famous landmark was made of bamboo and to add more attraction, a well lit Big Ben was added.

When we arrived, nobody welcomed us making us adamant to go inside. I have to ask where to go and what to do and that’s where someone from the bar finally asked us, if we are only going to take pictures or are we going to make an order.  I asked for their closing time since it was already 9 o’clock in the evening, was told they closed at 10 o’clock and since we still have one hour before closing time, I replied we are going to eat and we are five people. The woman guided us below the Eiffel tower replica, we look and order first from their menu before taking our time taking photos around the resort.

Well, since we are so giddy yup taking photos around, we didn’t realize that our food was served after 30 minutes. I have already seen the majestic Eiffel Tower in Paris and seeing the replica doesn’t excite a lot.

We have ordered rice, pork sisig, milk fish sisig, canton, mixed vegetables, extra rice and a glass of mango milkshake for me. Their food comes in good servings in affordable price. As expected, my cousin and my sister’s boyfriend ate like a cat, that if you brought them to an eat all you can restaurant the owner will be happy. Yap, we are not able to finish the sisig’s so we mixed them together and asked to wrap it for us.

We pay our bill and drove back to Odiongan in hurry because it was already late in the evening. We arrived in our house before 12 midnight.

Bantigue Resort is a private residence turned to a resort. The creativity of the owners show in every corner of the house. The collection of bonsai is relaxing to the eyes during the day, highlighting the huge Eiffel Tower replica at the forefront of the property. Bantigue Resort is open for swimming, Family Gatherings, Parties, Reunion and other Special Events! –

Brgy. Punta, Looc, Romblon
Facebook page –
Mobile No. – 0948 748 0724

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal opinion and experience and might be different from yours.

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Mother’s Day Dinner at Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe

It’s mother’s day so we have planned to eat outside to celebrate it, but before we do eat out, we headed to Brgy. Taboboan to attend the wake of the father of my sister’s workmate. We stayed a bit and when we return to Odiongan we directly went to Mac’s Chicken and Barbecue Haus which seems very busy as I found out they’re celebrating Mother’s Day Buffet Special which is Eat All You Can for ₱249.00.

When, I went inside the place is full of people and there is nowhere for us to sit, I have met inside two of my high school classmates and one of them whom I found eating at the table in the hallway told me that they have no choice, but to eat separately. Nobody in the server notices us coming but when we are going out they have noticed us.

It’s around 7:15 in the evening so we decided to go to Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe which isn’t so busy like Mac’s, we went to their air-conditioned room where there is one family celebrating and waiting for their orders. We feel relaxed that the restaurant wasn’t that busy, but we are not expecting that they are already running out of dishes, we have ordered their baby back ribs, but we are told isn’t available anymore, what is left is Liempo BBQ so we ordered five plates for us, a bulalo soup, extra rice and their carbonara pasta, but the server came back saying they only have three plates of the liempo barbecue, so we ordered sizzling sisig and a pitcher of their red ice tea.

Finding another restaurant to eat is time consuming, so I decided to give the plates of liempo to my father, sister and her boyfriend. My mother and I will just share with the sizzling sisig since Chicken Barbecue isn’t available as well. When the server went out, the woman at another table told us that there are lots of dishes unavailable, which we agreed.

This is our third time to eat dinner at Greenfields, the first two was fine, but the third one is bad. It took forever before our order was served. It took almost one hour, ten minutes before one hour to be exact, what is disappointing the bulalo soup was missing, they forgot about it and the red ice tea became a lemon ice tea.

Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe
Barangay Tulay (near Petron), Odiongan, Romblon
OPENING HOURS: 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
CONTACT: 567-6258

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal experience and might be different from yours.

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Riverside Place: The Newest Asian Fusion Restaurant in Odiongan

Visiting the bamboo farm in San Andres under the scorching heat was a bit tiring so instead of going directly to the municipality of Calatrava for the next adventure, we return to Odiongan and decided to have an early dinner at Riverside Place near the office of DOST.

Riverside place is the newest Asian Fusion Restaurant in Odiongan after Orient’s Cuisine, which is popular of their bento and sushi’s. We are handed the menu and we decided to order set of sushi’s but unfortunately no available sushi’s at the moment because they are just about to steam rice, so we I asked the server what is the best meal in their menu, and she pointed out the bento for ₱99 per box and that’s what we ordered and we waited 20 minutes for it to be served along side a pitcher of iced lemon tea.

The table wasn’t so spacious for the big bento lunch box, it was hard for five of us to eat properly. Nevertheless, the place is cozy and relaxing.

Riverside Place is open from breakfast to dinner and they do deliveries, take reservations and takeouts.  If you are hungry and wanted to try something different for a cheaper price pay them a visit at the address below. Their soup is a classic.

130 J.P. Laurel St., Odiongan, Romblon, Philippines 5505
Facebook page –
Mobile No. – 0998 391 5979

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal opinion and experience and might be different from yours.

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Visiting the Bamboo Farm in San Andres

One lazy afternoon, my mother told us to get ready and since I have thought we are just going to town, I replied, I am ready.  She asked if I am sure because I am just wearing a house dress, so I asked back if where we are going.  Well, it turns out, she is bored and she has something in her mind.

It was been a long time we are planning to visit the Bamboo Farm in San Andres, so that’s where we went together with our cousins, it was a good thing we brought them because if we didn’t we maybe lost our way. We made a right turn to the Sunflower Farm but it turns out it was a wrong turn, it should be next one.

We reached a point, where there are two roads and we don’t know which one to take. Gladly, the people were helpful and they told us to go on the road going upward, my sister driving the big bike asked our cousin to interchange since it was too big for her and she can’t reach the ground just in case something happened along the way.

Unexpected, but the road is concreted. It has been just a  challenge that is going upward, the view along the way is astonishing because you can see things below, the sea, houses and the streets.  We really don’t know where to stop, but gladly we found a group of people ahead of us, they are taking photos in the bushes which looks like bamboo to us.

It was disappointing because the bamboo farm wasn’t the way it looks to be in photos, it wasn’t cared of.  I think we visited in a wrong time of the year, we should not visit in summer.

Nothing much to do, we left the farm and went to downtown San Andres to feel cool by eating Halo-halo for ₱25.00 only. It  is a popular Filipino dessert with a mixture of shaved ice and evaporated milk to which various ingredients are added, including boiled sweet beans, young corn, coconut, camote, banana plantain, ripe jackfruit, sago, gulaman, fruits, leche plan and yam ice cream. It is served in a tall bowl.

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Early Dinner at Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe

Loveland Beach Resort wasn’t hard to find and after staying for a few minutes, looking around and snapping some pictures we headed to Looc and back to Odiongan where we decided to have an early dinner at Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe, my cousins didn’t eat yet at this restaurant, so we brought them here.

Since it was still very early, no diners yet, except from us. The food we ordered was served within 20 minutes, we ordered their famous baby back ribs, bulalo soup, sizzling sisig, extra rice and their red ice tea. It was quite funny because both of our cousins ate very slowly, we are already finished eating and they were still finishing their food.

What’s disappointing with them was they ate like a cat, they almost didn’t finish eating their baby back ribs so what more the sizzling sisig that we have to ask to be wrap so we can bring it home.

What’s entertaining, how my oldest cousin E ate his baby back ribs, we have to tell him that it is okay to detach the ribs one by one, he is trying to do a masterpiece eating just the meat without detaching the ribs (lol) which made us all laugh at him.

We hurried home after eating early dinner, my cousins and their team will have  a championship game for the Inter-Purok Basketball Tournament.

Greenfields Garden Resto-Cafe
Barangay Tulay (near Petron), Odiongan, Romblon
OPENING HOURS: 2:00 PM – 10:00 PM
CONTACT: 567-6258

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal experience and might be different from yours.

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